De-LAB Impact Investing
Il giorno 26 Maggio 2014 De-LAB ha partecipato al convegno dedicato all’Impact Investing organizzato dal Laboratorio dell’Università Bocconi “Impact Lab” . Il tema dell’Impact Investing è uno di quelli in cui De-LAB sta concentrando i propri interessi per affiancare imprese private che vogliono investire nel sociale, in Italia o all’estero. Oltre all’ approccio […]
De-LAB Impact Investing
On May, 26th 2014 De-LAB participated in the meeting organized by Bocconi University’s “Impact Lab” dedicated to Impact Investing. The topic is one of those in which De-LAB is focusing its interests and expertises to partner up with companies willing to invest in the social domain, in Italy or abroad. Beyond the financial […]