
De-LAB for SMART-map on RRI & connections with BOP & Social Innovation

SMART-map (RoadMAPs to Societal Mobilisation for the Advcancement of Responsible Industrial Technologies) is exploring novel ways to bring the concept and the practices of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in three innovative industrial sectors: precision medicine, synbio and 3D printing in biomedicine.
On 20th April, the project held a multi-stakeholder dialogue event in Bologna to explore overlaps, differences, strengths of the most diffused approaches to bring responsibility, ethical commitment and social impacts into industrial innovation (i.e Responsible Innovation, Social Innovation, CSR, B-Corp).
In the event in Bologna partners tried to understand if all these methods stem from the same principles, if their objectives and tools are the same and how they can converge or integrate each other. All the reflections that came out from the dialogue event were integrated in the outcomes of the project and delivered as a bottom-up contribution to the design of the next EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme (FP9).
Schermata 2018-04-24 alle 09.35.50