
Online the latest VOILA' s videos

From June 8th you can find online (here) the first of a series of videos that De-LAB produced to show how to cook some key-recipes of the Italian culinary tradition…. in an inclusive way.
The cakes, created by Erika Cartabia from “La Tana del Coniglio” for Vicenzi, are explained in oral Italian and LIS (Italian Sign Language) without subtitles and/or interpreters.
The first video will show all the details about cooking and serving a great Tiramisù with white chocolate and blueberries 🙂
Have a look at the other upcoming recipes and ……Bon appetit!

The two protagonists

The two protagonists

The set....right before the first ciak!

The set….right before the first ciak!

De-LAB interviewing one of the brand manager Vicenzi, Dott. Elena Personi.

De-LAB interviewing one of the brand manager Vicenzi, Dott. Elena Personi.