
Oct 6th / 7th : De-LAB @ Salone of CSR and SI, Bocconi University

The 6th and the 7th of October De-LAB was at the Salone of CSR and Social Innovation, held at Bocconi University in Milan. We’ve been there also, but not only, to compare our own projects with the Italian state of the art in terms of CSR and SI.
Many big companies are progressively moving from the classic concept of CSR, to get closer to the more recent concept of Creating Shared Value (CSV). With this we mean an augmented coincidence between socially-oriented activities promoted by companies and their core-businesses. This way the society has a principal role in the value creation for itself, and, for the company too. These concepts are really close to those related to Inclusive Business, but they lack of same fundamental components : pro-activity (they usually are set up as reparative measures), scalability and are not clear regarding their economic sustainability.
Another important theme largely discussed at the Salone was that relative to the inclusiveness and sustainability of the supply-chain. It is more and more possible to include groups of small and micro suppliers in a company’s supply-chain. By doing so small and micro suppliers can at the same time participate to the global economy, have access to funds and better their production activities thanks to tutoring and knowledge/technological transfer.
Once again it appears clear to us to be in the right place, at the right time, going fast towards the future.