Field Mission in Uganda: research and partnership creation
Successful field-mission for De-LAB in Uganda! We spent on the field almost 10 days to co-create a new object for addressing health issues on babies from 0 to 10 months. We shared insights and ideas with communities in three districts and we engaged different representatives of private, public and civic sectors, who where enthusiastic of […]
De-LAB ob Integrated Strategies for Sustainable Supply Chain MGT, with FGB and Koinetica
On October 4th, De-LAB launched its panel on “Inclusive Business, Responsible Innovation and Shared Value: towards an integrated strategy”. Together with Fondazione Giannino Bassetti (FGB) and Koinetica, Lucia Dal Negro showed different ways for applying Inclusive Business along the Supply Chain, particularly focussing on tools such as vendor rating and co-creation approaches for developing social […]
De-LAB su Strategie Integrate applicate alla Supply Chain con FGB e Koinetica
Il 4 ottobre De-LAB ha presentato il panel “Business Inclusivo, Innovazione Responsabile e Shared Value: verso una strategia integrata”. Lucia Dal Negro ha illustrato l’applicazione del Business Inclusivo lungo i vari livelli della Supply Chain, illustrando le potenzialità di strumenti tra cui il vendor rating e la co-creation applicata alla definizione di metriche di impatto […]