
De-LAB ob Integrated Strategies for Sustainable Supply Chain MGT, with FGB and Koinetica

On October 4th, De-LAB launched its panel on “Inclusive Business, Responsible Innovation and Shared Value: towards an integrated strategy”.
Together with Fondazione Giannino Bassetti (FGB) and Koinetica, Lucia Dal Negro showed different ways for applying Inclusive Business along the Supply Chain, particularly focussing on tools such as vendor rating and co-creation approaches for developing social impact metrics. Besides such topic Anna Pellizzone from FGB explained the potential of blockchain technologies applied to international investments, highlighting opportunities and ethical limits. Lastly, the contribution of Rossella Sobrero has pointed out how the creation of partnerships amongst different stakeholder is crucial to manage complex governance dynamics within the company and outside.
The panel, eventually, announced the opening of a training course on Integrated Project Development launched by De-LAB and carried out together with FGB and Koinetica on mid-January.
For more info: info@delab.it