
Short master Think&Talk Green, Verona, October 31st 2013

On October 31st 2013, at Verona’s Chamber of Commerce, De LAB will take part in the master called Think&Talk Green in the World coordinated by Verona Innovazione and Verona’s Chamber of Commerce.
De LAB will offer its professional contribution developing two main issues : CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and Inclusive Business.
The group of participants will be mainly given by entrepreneurs and consultants coming from different sectors: Italian food, wine, entertainment, textile or interior design. They all wish to acquire knowledge and insights on the rising process of international business management and to get tools and techniques related to the field of green marketing and Sustainable Consumption and Production.
The master will support SMEs in adopting a new production paradigm which takes care of the environmental and social context, translating Sustainable Development principles into managerial practices.

Below some pictures of the intervention by Lucia Dal Negro and Maria Luisa Venuta (De-LAB).

seminar @ Vr Innovazione

2013-10-31 15.51.44