


Corporate Kindness” refers to companies where attention to staff coincides with an ethical and sustainable business model. They are companies in which the internal stakeholder – that is, the employees and collaborators – make up a modus operandi attentive to the common good and the growth of people. They are companies in which work becomes a relationship of excellence that distinguishes them from all the others in terms of readiness, innovation and quality. Discover examples and frame the context of “Corporate Kindness” in our latest booklet.


COP26 in Glasgow marked the resumption of popular participation, despite the limits imposed by the pandemic, in global climate negotiations. But to what extent has the negotiating architecture really enabled an inclusive and participatory policy-making process? In this booklet we analyze together the results of COP26 and the many pending issues.


A company is a complex organization working in an interconnected environment (the marketplace). How to develop resilience towards unpredictable exogenous shocks? What are the main mega-trends that must be taken into account to manage the imbalance within the complexity? In this booklet we analyze the main organizational and strategic trends, enriching the analysis with interviews to Italian companies that have built solutions in uncharted waters.

Stato dell’arte del coinvolgimento del Privato Profit Italiano nella Cooperazione Internazionale secondo il modello del Business Inclusivo: dati, strumenti e processi di azione” (State of the art of involvement of Italian For-Profit Private Business in International Cooperation according to the Inclusive Business model: data, tools and action processes) contains the first Italian survey on the positioning of the private profit sector in development cooperation, according to the Inclusive Business model. The document, commissioned by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), also contains the planning lines of the first Italian call for cooperation open to the private sector, both for-profit and social-benefit.

“Inclusive Business – Answering the call” is an introductory publication on the topic of Inclusive Business, designed and edited by De-LAB. The text explores the theme and offers institutional and operational ideas from other actors who, in various fields, have brought their experiences to bear on the theme of Inclusive Business.

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