Our services, tailor-made for you

Answering societal needs with innovative models

Social Innovation

In the field of Social Innovation, De-LAB’s project ideas are based on networking with members of the community and securing their active participation. The innovation that characterizes us is the result of our multidisciplinary approach, of working on systemic transformations, of the concreteness of our results.

Participatory social planning

We design and develop social projects according to the needs perceived by companies and beneficiaries, adopting participatory techniques and stakeholder involvement methods (Lego© Serious Play©, focus groups, European Awareness Scenario workshop, etc.)


Facilitation with the LEGO© Serious Play© method

We apply the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology to help design Sustainability, CSR and Innovation strategies in hybrid cooperation ecosystems (for-profit, non-profit and public).

Training and coaching for the Corporate Purpose development

We provide training courses on Social Innovation, Environmental Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. We help companies rethink their corporate identity, starting with the choices needed to approach Purpose Economy models. The De-LAB staff is certified by the International Coach Federation.

Local Networks, Corporate Volunteering and Welfare Community Management

We build voluntary employee involvement initiatives to support the needs of the community and processes for strengthening the welfare of the most marginal communities, through the activation of local micro-networks. 

Ethic Canvas

We develop initiatives to engage suppliers on environmental and social sustainability issues, improving supply chain resilience and maximizing upstream and downstream impacts.

BCorp™, Benefit Corporations, social or sustainability certifications or assessments

We support companies that intend to become certified and undertake verification of their social and environmental performance.

Drafting of Social and Sustainability Reports, Impact Reports, Mission Reports

We draw up Social and Sustainability Reports accompanied by economic, social and environmental indicators, providing the best possible description of the company’s identity and its commitment to its most important stakeholders.

Corporate Kindness & Diversity Management

We outline strategies and activities that improve internal (employees) and external (suppliers, customers) relationships by linking the impacts of Corporate Kindness on Human Resources to those on CSR. We provide training, consulting and planning on policies and internal initiatives to protect and enhance diversity in the company, as a driver of internal engagement and talent acquisition. 

Organization Carbon Footprint

An Organization Carbon Footprint is carried out through an Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions referred to the business year, in order to understand where and how much an organization creates its “carbon footprint” so as to then be able to manage it. It is possible to calculate your Carbon Footprint by having De-LAB design the project and study the subsequent reduction/optimization activities.

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

What is the role of AI in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and how can internal reporting and stakeholder involvement processes be updated in light of guidelines, codes of ethics and principles of transparency aimed to AI? The De-LAB contribution in this sense aims to thematize this concept and make it practically applicable in the ESG dynamics that characterize the value chain of complex companies and organizations.

In-House > LOL, Leftover Lovers

The LOL Project was created to develop local policies for the fight against food waste while strengthening informed models of consumption and tourism. In pursuit of this goal, an initiative is being carried out that involves all citizens in experimenting, for one or more months, with foodie bags that will be given to restaurant owners and, after the meal, to customers.

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Our services
Social Projects have their own grammar

Business Ethics Communication

Often companies fail to communicate their social and environmental commitment effectively due to fear, modesty or laziness. Developing a communication and impact enhancement strategy allows you to unlock the positive effects on your company – in terms of funding, reputation, external relations and diversification from competitors – and on the community – in terms of the spread of best practices, mutual improvement and social resilience. Our services allow us to translate complex social and/or environmental information, creating a precise, clear and engaging message for all involved.

Creative Concept and Social Communication Strategies

We design what/how to say (online and offline, to internal and external stakeholders) about social and/or environmental initiatives, generating ADV, content, campaigns, reporting, infographics and posters that engage and inform accurately and transparently.

ISO 17033

The technical standard ISO/TS 17033 “Ethical claims and supporting information – Principles and requirements” establishes internationally agreed methods for the application of credible ethical claims. De-LAB assists companies that wish to verify their ethical statements (“Produced in a sustainable way”, “Ethical product”, “Natural product”) and strengthen their credibility against competitors or risks of greenwashing. 

CSR Social Meter – Green Total Wall

Monitoring, collecting, organizing and recording Big Data from Web and social media on sustainability and CSR, in compliance with the latest ethical codes on privacy. The resulting analytics and strategic insights allow us to support, in a data-driven way, the formulation of new CSR and sustainability strategies that strengthen the marketing and communication approach in an integrated way. Social Meter technology is developed by Maxfone’s Big Data analysis division.


Brand Activism

De-LAB supports companies in identifying the cause to support, the tools and the messages of support to activate, strengthening the brand reputation of the company, and positioning it in the contemporary debate between progressive and regressive activism. On some issues related to civic engagement, we work in partnership with The Good Lobby, an international association specialized in advocacy and lobbying. Because institutions produce rules for people, and people produce change. 

Our services

Serving the poor, profitably & responsibly

Inclusive Business

De-LAB studies, trains, designs and applies Inclusive Business initiatives for companies that target developing countries, moving beyond the philanthropy or development assistance model by choosing to operate within development cooperation or responsible business models. On this issue, De-LAB also operates on its own, carrying out the in-house project: KOKONO™, and is the Italian focal point within the BOP (Base of the Pyramid) Learning Lab and IBAN, the two international networks active on Inclusive Business (www.bopglobalnetwork.org).

Research and training on Inclusive Business and Frugal Innovation

We produce popular or technical publications, designed by sector or geographical area. We develop training modules designed according to the needs of students, entrepreneurs and government and built in an interactive way (simulation on case studies and/or scenarios, Metaplans, one-to-one).

Design thinking processes and value-sensitive design

We work alongside companies and their co-partners to facilitate the design of services and products to be included in inclusive business models.

Consultancy and feasibility studies

We design and develop field studies to assess the feasibility of Inclusive Business interventions. We carry out needs analysis to understand where to direct market responses. We develop business models according to the BOP approach.

Business ethnography and stakeholder engagement

We pursue processes of involvement of beneficiaries within their communities, we create connections between the various actors to strengthen business models and provide responses to unexpressed needs and problems.

Capacity Building & Knowledge Transfer 

We design and implement capacity-building processes to support the collaborative transfer of skills through participatory processes. 

Policy Design

We support institutional actors in the various stages (needs analysis, researching local information, structuring policy mechanisms, raising awareness, promotion, monitoring and assessment) of formulating public policies dedicated to Sustainable Development issues included in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. 

Our special projects, which you will not find elsewhere

Organizing our curiosity, impactfully

Original Projects by De-LAB

De-LAB does not only consult but also design: we like to personally test the theories we study and on which the models we apply for our customers are based. The following projects are born with this experimental approach: absolutely original, “Made in De-LAB” from their conception to realization and promotion. Find out and choose which one to adopt in your organization!

LOL, Leftover Lovers

The LOL Project was created to develop local policies for the fight against food waste while strengthening informed models of consumption and tourism. In pursuit of this goal, an initiative is being carried out that involves all citizens in experimenting, for one or more months, with foodie bags that will be given to restaurant owners and, after the meal, to customers.

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In Ethical Words

In Ethical Words (IEW) was born from the reflection that there are no “Simple Words” but only “Ethical Words”. The project holds creative workshops for disadvantaged people exposed to different forms of poverty (educational, food) to give them room for expression and listening. The workshops produce graphic elements that can be used for fundraising. 

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VOILA’ is the name of an audiovisual format registered with SIAE by De-LAB that, for the first time in Italy, makes video content accessible to a hearing and deaf audience simultaneously, integrating these two targets. The format, developed for ClioMakeUP, BNL and Matilde Vicenzi, can be replicated for any company interested in reaching a wider audience with content worthy of being shared (culture, company products, processes, tutorials). 



KOKONO™ is De-LAB’s Inclusive Business project, created in response to winning the AICS For-Profit Call for Proposals “Innovative Ideas for Development”. By applying the BOP models we have patented the first biodegradable life-saving cradle produced in Uganda. 


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