

A teacher, author of high school books and popular texts on sustainability issues aimed at children, Margherita Sboarina tells us how to tackle complex issues by addressing the youngest children. Happy reading!  Your production of school books and narrative texts for children is very wide-ranging and also includes publications on Environmental Sustainability: what does it […]

February starts with an interview with Filippo Montesi, Senior advisor of Human Foundation and Secretary General of Social Impact Agenda for Italy. An exchange dedicated to the topic of “Impacts”….Enjoy! Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is an increasingly used and appreciated tool, both by the Third Sector and the for-profit sector active – for instance – […]

Honored to be able to share with you the interview conducted with Stefano Zamagni, Professor of Political Economy at the University of Bologna (Faculty of Economics) and Adjunct Professor of International Political Economy at Johns Hopkins University, Bologna Center. A leading expert in Civil Economics, he has written numerous books including “Responsible” – ed. Il […]

Here is an interview with Massimo Carraro, founder of the Cowo® network and the first entrepreneur to open a co-working space in Italy, in 2008. Today he manages more than 100 between Italy and Switzerland and tells us about the most interesting aspects of working in shared spaces.  The work today is increasingly “widespread,” autonomous, […]

How did your story in Uganda started?  We came to Uganda in 1987 to provide support in dealing with AIDS epidemic, which had its epicenter in Uganda (together with other diseases like tuberculosis). Back then, Uganda was a post war area, dramatically in need health care. There were no facilities…nothing….so we built them in the […]

This month we share the story of a truly outstanding winery and two truly exemplary entrepreneurs: Marisa Cuomo and Andrea Ferraioli. Here is the full interview, also reported in June’s De-LAB newsletter. Happy reading!  Can you tell us the most important moments of your entrepreneurial journey as founder of Marisa Cuomo Winery?  The company was […]

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