
“The dark side of green technologies: the social impact of green technologies in rural Africa”

Client: “Centoraggi: per un uso intelligente dell’energia” cooperative (Brescia, Italy).

Goal: partecipative analysis of the social impacts deriving from the installation of photovoltaic panels in Mboltogne (off-grid village), Senegal.

Methodology: qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the socio-economic impacts from the distribution of green energy devices (i) and of the community well-being (ii) as perceived by local villagers. Pre/post  installation analysis, stakeholder engagement and governance development.

Duration: January 2014/Dicember 2014


Inclusive Business


  • Lucia Dal Negro: data development and strategies
  • Irene Tomasoni: data development and participative techniques
  • Maria Luisa Venuta: data development and indicators