
The Istituto Valorizzazione Salumi Italiani is a voluntary Consortium and a non-profit organization. It was established in 1985 in response to the growing need for information from consumers and with the aim of enhancing the image of Italian deli meats. IVSI spreads the knowledge about the production process and economic, nutritional and cultural aspects related to such food, both in Italy and abroad, promoting a unique culinary heritage. It collaborates with the Ministries of Agriculture and Forestry, Health and Economic Development, with Italian Regional Authorities, consumer associations, the National Institute of Research on Food and Nutrition (INRAN, now CRA), with the ICE Agency (Foreign Commerce Agency), the Italian Embassies and other organizations and industry consortia.

De-LAB has worked with IVSI to define the governance of their “Manifesto dei Valori” initiative, which aims at grouping the most responsible consumers of the Italian deli meat sector.

More specifically, De-LAB has worked to define peer review mechanisms and improvements to raise the level of compliance to environmental, quality and social standards, as well as defining the enforcement process that IVSI will put in place to check that the Manifesto’ supporters will always respect the seven principles and will keep on improving their products and production processes.

Lastly, De-LAB has worked to define the communication strategy that the Institute will follow to promote their initiative and engaging companies.
